About Me: Laura

What is my name? 
My name is Laura.

What are my interests and/or hobbies?
I love reading, writing (mostly poetry and fiction), watching movies, cooking, sewing (plus trying many other arts and crafts), and meditating.

What is my Hogwarts House? 
I am a Gryffindor. At Cordelia’s urging, I’ve taken many online assessments to learn my Hogwarts house, and I’ve been called a Gryffindor, a Ravenclaw, and a Hufflepuff. I know I have qualities that could place me in any of those fine houses. But, as Harry knows, “The Sorting Hat takes your choice into account.” I am a Gryffindor by choice.

Who is my favorite Harry Potter character? 
Only Harry could be my most favorite of all. Of course, I like Hermione a lot…and Ron… and Luna… and Neville… and Hagrid. Oh wait, and Snape. See what I mean? Rowling has created so many wonderful characters to love. So, I’ll just stick with the Boy Who Lived.

Which Harry Potter character do I think I am most like? 
Definitely Hermione Granger.

How many copies of Harry Potter do I own? 
I personally own two sets of the books, which I share with my daughter. I have the first version that was released in the United States, and my mother-in-law was nice enough to purchase the British versions of all of the books for me. I wish that I owned the entire set on audiobook (the ones read by Jim Dale), but I have been lucky enough to experience those by checking them out at my local public library.

“But why’s she got to go to the library?”
“Because that’s what Hermione does,” said Ron, shrugging. “When in doubt, go to the library.”
           -- J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

How do I know Cordelia, the co-author of this blog? 
I thought we could have called this blog, Mother and Daughter Enjoying Harry Potter, but Cordelia thought it was “too silly.” She’s my daughter, even if she’s not as silly as I am.

Do I have any pets? 
Our family cares for Molly, the energetic Shetland Sheepdog, and Daisy, the sweet Holland Lop bunny.

Do I have any other blogs? 
I also own a blog called The Life of Spottie (which was “written” by someone’s favorite stuffed animal). You can find it under my Blogger profile.

What do I like to do in the outdoors? 
I realize that most of the hobbies I listed above might seem very sedentary, but I get up and move around too! I like to go for long walks with our dog, Molly. I also enjoy camping, hiking in the woods, canoeing, and fishing. Minnesota is a great place to enjoy the outdoors.

What books do I like? 
This is a hard question, mostly because I’d never be able to list them all. I’ve been reading since I can remember, and I have two English degrees—which means I’ve had the chance to experience many different styles of literature. There are so many books to love. So, I’ll just share a few favorites. L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables series. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Helen Fielding’s Bridget Jones’s Diary. J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series. I also love reading young adult fiction by authors like Sarah Dessen, Meg Cabot, Jenny Haan, and Suzanne Collins.

What TV Shows do I like? 
I like to watch comedies, and I’m a huge fan of Friends. I also enjoy crime-solving shows like Bones and Elementary.

I answered the questions that Cordelia selected for our “About Me” pages. But, if you have any more questions for me, please comment.


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